If you struggle with issues downloading full macOS installer and instead you end up with few megabytes file, here's useful guide.. It lists all possible method of downloading macOS. Guide is in polish but you can easily translate. Guide as always from Alpha01 :)
Most of you probably is slacking off on the beach or other places. If that's correct, then there's no better way to get some rest than installing Hackintosh :D using vanilla installation method. You may ask what's that ? A vanilla method implies that the OS itself remains untouched. Command after...
The macOS 10.15 Catalina Public Beta is now available after shord testing period. As always, Apple wants users to test macOS Catalina to provide constructive feedback, report issues etc.. before the official release later this year. To participate in the free Public Beta, you must enroll in the Appl...
WWDC 2019 is over. What do we know so far ? Here's quick overview. We're gonna start on macOS Catalina.
The biggest change here is introducing of Project Catalyst (Marzipan was the initial name). It's a platform that allows developers to build applications that works on both iPad and macOS powered...