This tutorial is a continuation of first part. It happened. You're ready to fire up your new hackintosh, pendrive is ready. All you have to is "just install" macOS on your PC. So you insert your pendrive and all that welcomes you is.. famous black screen with kernel panic, or crash. So what next ? Is it over ? NOT AT ALL. It's just a beginning. What you should remember at start, that almost every bios differs. Different versions, different default settings. All that matters when you configure your hackintosh. So keep that in mind when experimenting with various settings. Also, you really have to set some weird things in your bios to break your computer (like CPU settings etc). Really. In most cases wrong settings can be simply reverted by going back to default or optimized mode. So don't be afraid. Break things, experiment, have fun. You'll always learn something valuable. Anyways. Let's get started. If I missed something - PLEASE reply in forum. It's super important. Then we can make a full list of all needed settings.

All Mainboards

Load Optimized Defaults
VT-d - Disabled
CFG-Lock - Disabled
Secure Boot Mode - Disabled
OS Type - Other OS
Secure Boot - Disabled
HPET Support - Enabled
HPET Mode - 64bit
EHCI Handoff - Enabled
Legacy USB Support - Enabled
Sata Mode - AHCI
Wake on LAN - Disabled

Additional settings for popular mainboard manufacturers


X.M.P. Memory Profile - Profile1


Secure Mode - Other OS

In some cases, there might be bios update needed but that's rare.

Where can you find some more additional informations ? Forums: tonymacx68, InsanelyMac, Best way is to search with similar pattern: your bios manufacturer BIOS for example. MSI 9 BIOS settings or MSI 9 BIOS settings. If your manufacturer is quite popular, then you will find the settings without problems.

Hackintosh BIOS Settings

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